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Personal Computer Radio Show

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Formerly Westchester PC Users Group (WPCUG)

We are excited to introduce our new name, TechEdConnect®, and our new logo, which better reflects who we are today. We are also currently building a brand new website.

The new website will be mobile-friendly and will offer additional features. In the meantime, you will continue to see the WPCUG name and logo on various pages of the current website.

We are a non-profit technology club located in Westchester County, New York.
Our goal is to increase the computing knowledge of our members and our community.
In-person General Meetings are back. Starting Tuesday, August 6, 2024, we will meet at the Scarsdale Public Library (54 Olmsted Rd, Scarsdale, NY 10583) AND also on Zoom.

Join TechEdConnect

General Meetings

July General Meeting

Rescuezilla and Clonezilla

July 11, 2024 @ 7 p.m. ET (SPECIAL DATE)

Remote attendance via Zoom video conference.

Using the bootable "Rescuezilla" or "Clonezilla live" (both are Linux distributions) to back up, clone, or image data files, digital photos or entire "solid state drives".

Speaker: Francis Chao, APCUG Speakers Bureau

Plan now to attend!

For further information, email our program chair at Program@TechEdConnect.org.

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August General Meeting

Restoring Old Pictures

August 6, 2024
@ 7 p.m. ET (NEW DATE)

Scarsdale Public Library AND remote attendance via Zoom video conference.

Do you have some old photographs of loved ones that are starting to show their age? The photos not the loved ones! Are they faded, cracked, or even missing small pieces of the emulsion?

Jim iscaro will demonstrate how to digitize these photos to save them for everyone to enjoy. We will also demonstrate how to possibly restore them to their original condition.

Speaker: Jim Iscaro, TechEdConnect Workshop Leader and Webmaster

Plan now to attend!

For further information, email our program chair at Program@TechEdConnect.org.

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If you experience any problems with this website or have suggestions for improvement, please feel free to contact the webmaster.

Join our computer club

image of a medal with the words join usNow you can join TechEdConnect® (formerly Westchester PC Users Group, WPCUG) or renew your membership conveniently and safely online via credit card or PayPal. You can also make a tax deductible donation.

Conventional mail / check payments are still available too. Click here to join, renew, or donate.

For questions, email our membership chair at membership@wpcug.org.

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TechEdConnect Tech Support Consultants

You can download a list of TechEdConnect members who are offering their services to members and non-members alike. Members get a discount.

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Westchester PC-Renew
A project of

Westchester PC-Renew - We refurbish donated computers and provide them free to nonprofit groups in the community who can't afford to purchase new computers.

cartoon image of a desktop PCClick the above link to learn more about our activities and how to get a refurbished computer.

Applyhere for a computer

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TechEdConnect - Newsletter

You can view the latest issue of our newsletter, The Useless Button, here. The complete archive or the TechEdConnectSM Newsletter is online. You can view past newsletters here. Please note that they are availabe to club members only.

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cartoon image of man doing presentationA selection of  workshop & general meeting presentation documents are now online. Click here to view.

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Follow us on Facebook!

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Operation Clean Slate

In the last several years, the use of malicious software (malware) by online criminals has emerged as a global cybersecurity threat. Of the available intrusion devices, the “bot,” or Web robot, is particularly pervasive, allowing an attacker to take control remotely of a compromised computer or computers. Invisible to
victims, these networks, called “botnets,” can include hundreds of thousands of machines around the world, controlled by a cyber criminal, or “bot herder.” . Read more.....

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Weekly Update Email

View the archives of the Weekly Update.

Receive the latest information on our meeting schedule and events as well as timely and important links to computer related tips and news.

You'll find the Weekly Email Update link on the Members Services page on the left side navigation after signing in - Members.

* If you are not receiving this weekly email, check your spam folder, and if it's not there contact the co-editors, who will resolve this issue.

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TechEdConnectSM wishes to acknowledge the great support we receive
from LANline for our website.

<home> <workshops> <calendar> <members> <join> <about> <help>

updated 07/08/2024 - pd