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TechEdConnect has WORKSHOPS FOR EVERYONE. Some workshops have a formal classroom-type approach; others are more informal meetings, where ideas and problems are discussed. Below is a list of the various workshops, with contact information for the leaders. Feel free to contact each leader for more information. Annual dues allow all immediate household/family members to attend as many workshops as they wish.

While each Workshop takes on the style and flavor of the Workshop leader and its participants, most follow these guidelines:

Beginner Level Workshops
These are most like the standard classroom/lecture format. All questions, including those of the most basic nature, are welcome here. The sessions are run much like the classic teacher/student model (but no pop quizzes or exams!).

Intermediate Level Workshops
Though much of the material covered will be in the teacher/student format, members are encouraged to participate, or even occasionally lead their own sessions.

Advanced Level Workshops
These are full "round-table" format sessions, with the leader functioning as a moderator, rather than a lecturer.

The Workshop topics vary as the needs of our membership changes. Also, as our Workshop leaders are volunteers, we can offer only those Workshops for which we can find a leader!  We have been fortunate to have attracted an outstanding group of talented leaders.

For Workshop schedules & locations see the calendar

For Workshop locations on interactive maps see maps (see note below)

All in-person workshops are either postponed or switched to online Zoom meetings until we can hold in-person workshops again. Contact for more information.

Beginner Level Workshops

The Web Show
George Hammer

The Web Show workshop is oriented towards examining interesting, entertaining but also informative websites. We will  look at websites about: health, finance, productivity, collaboration, social media, selling on the web & exotic things such as Bitcoin and the dark web.

We intend to be responsive to our attendees so future subjects will evolve as our attendees make their interests known. We will explore the web together.

Topics for each month can be found at the workshop blog.

Directions to meeting location are found here. See note below:

All in-person workshops are either postponed or switched to online Zoom meetings until we can hold in-person workshops again. Contact for more information.

Allan and Heather Turnbull (914-328-2601)

Do you want to know about the symbols and buttons on your camera? Do you want to know how to take a decent picture, download your pictures to your computer, and send them by email? Bring your digital camera and manual. We show you how to use it in a relaxed, informal, and hands-on environment.

George Hauss ((914-419-6447)

Most computer users who have Microsoft Office intalled find that they mostly use Word but would like to get more out of the other programs included in the suite. Here is an opportunity to learn more about Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and Publisher.

Joe Bruno

Open Source discussion. Topics vary.

Attendees should have a very basic knowledge of either Windows or Linux or macOS.

Various leaders

For those new to Windows or bought your first computer, this workshop is for you.

Pierre Darmon

For those new to macOS or bought your first Apple computer, this workshop is for you. We also cover the relationship of the Mac with the iPhone and iPad

(Beginner and Intermediate Level)

A roundtable discussion of Android and Apple devices. Share your phone and tablet experiences, apps, and favorite websites. We’ll learn from each other. You don’t need a device; we’ll share ours with you. Open to all levels.

Intermediate Level Workshops
George Hauss ((914-419-6447)

Most computer users who have Microsoft Office intalled find that they mostly use Word but would like to get more out of the other programs included in the suite. Here is an opportunity to learn more about Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and Publisher.

Anthony Tedesco (914-709-5331)

Meetings start with discussions with any related area of technology attendees feel interested in.

Jim Iscaro (914-831-5831) 

Learn to take pictures off your phone or camera, save them in an organized manner, back them up, and select the best. We then edit them so they look like the picture we wanted to take. We’ll use an easy photo editor that is available in Windows and Mac and we will cover apps on Android and iOS devices.

John Moore

This is the hot, superior, stable, and free operating system. Because the Linux community is one of camaraderie in which advanced users help write and maintain this free OS. This workshop will provide encouragement and help for all levels of users, with input from all.

Going forward we intend to focus on using microcontroller boards like the Arduino and Raspberry Pi for various applications such as thermostats using the raspberry pi board.

See for schedule and details.

John Moore

Most of you know me as the Linux guy, but I first got into electronics through technical theater. I soon found myself wiring electronic controls for Rock and Roll light shows. I found the early computers fascinating and started learning more about electronics, leading to testing and troubleshooting computerized systems. As my troubleshooting became more sophisticated, I found myself writing software. So I learned there was a need for testers and troubleshooters in software even more than hardware.

So after getting my Masters Degree in Computer Science I worked full time on software, but I never stopped fixing things. My friends joke about me showing up for a dinner engagement with a toolbox to fix things in their home, and/or teach them how.

So I thought it might be interesting to bring some of those lessons to this group for all of you. I don't expect to make you house repair gurus, but it is nice to be able to fix things at home yourself.

So we are going to roll up our virtual sleeves and learn how to troubleshoot problems. Then I will show you how to fix them. You don't need more than a simple tool box for most repairs. I will also explain how to find exploded views of appliances which can help in finding and fixing a problem.

See for schedule and details.

Jonathan Hauff (

We cover hardware and software. The good stuff, fun stuff, and bad stuff. Sessions feature the good stuff: adding to your PC (cameras, phones, PDAs, iPods, MP3 players, mass storage, backups) and upgrades; and the bad: error messages, stubborn installations, dreaded ―blue screens of death,‖ conflicts, and buggy programs, virus/spyware/identity issues and how to understand and solve them all!

(Beginner and Intermediate Level)

A roundtable discussion of any and all mobile devices. Share your smartphone and tablet experiences, Apple apps, and favorite Android websites. We’ll learn from each other. You don’t need an Android or iPhone; we’ll share ours with you. Open to all levels.

 Advanced Level Workshops


These sessions are open to all levels.

One-time topics led by Pierre Darmon, Ph.D., Joe Bruno, Anthony Tedesco, or David Lerner.

Topics are on a variety of issues spanning from computer security to the paperless office to Chromebooks and astronomy. Presenters choose their subject matter.

Watch the WPCUG calendar for exact date.


This is a special workshop held several times a year when a guest leader covers an advanced topic on the Windows operating system that fits into the needs of our members. We will advise when the next meeting is scheduled. Roundtable format.

Westchester PC-Renew
Open to all levels
Gary Feiman (914) 297-8490; Jimmy Lamake 914-216-5011

Learn to rehab computers and help our community at the same time. This is a hands-on workshop that refurbishes computers. If you are uneasy working inside your computer and want to learn how to fix it, this workshop is for you. No experience is necessary; we will teach you. You learn to wipe data from a hard drive. We show you how to check out and install hardware and operating systems. Then all computers are given to nonprofit organizations in our community. See the wpcrenew website for more details.

This workshop has relocated to Wartburg, One Wartburg Place, Mt. Vernon, NY 10552. Google the directions or call Jimmy at the number above. There’s a gatehouse
at Wartburg where you’ll be given a map to our space or click location map link below.

*********location map******** see note below.

All in-person workshops are either postponed or switched to online Zoom meetings until we can hold in-person workshops again. Contact for more information.

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updated 08/31/22 pd


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