The Westchester PC Users Group began in the early 1981 at the
dawn of personal computer age as an informal gathering of experienced and novice users
eager to keep up with the rapidly expanding microcomputer industry. Regularly scheduled
monthly meetings began in 1982; the first officers were elected in 1983; and the first
newsletter issued in 1984. The Group incorporated as a not-for-profit educational
organization in 1985.
In the beginning, computers were large, costly, systems available only to the very largest
companies who could afford to purchase, maintain, and operate them. Most applications had
to be programmed individually to meet the needs of each firm. By the late '70's,
IBM, Kaypro, Commodore, and Tandy, were developing the first personal computers for
the consumer market place. Soon, people across the country, who believed that the PC could
improve their productivity and the quality of their lives, were becoming attracted to this
emerging technology.Westchester County was especially
significant, because it was the location of the T. J. Watson Center, IBM's premier
research facility in Yorktown Heights. And, so it was that, during the early '80's, a
small group of PC enthusiasts, aware of the potential inherent in this new medium, joined
to form the Westchester PC Users Group. By 1986, the WPCUG had 40 members, and held
monthly meetings at the Scarsdale Public Library.
Several years ago, WPCUG membership consisted largely of advanced
users who met with fellow aficionados, programmers, and consultants, at monthly meetings
where they kept up to date with advancing technology and exchanged information. Since the
recession, corporate downsizing, and the layoff of large numbers of mature, experienced,
employees, WPCUG's role has changed significantly. Today, its paid membership is over 700,
and the Westchester PC Users Group is meeting today's needs ... |
Over the last decade, computers have become thoroughly accepted as a fact of life.
Today, people know that all vocational skills will inevitably be intertwined with
the computer. In the current environment, the Westchester PC Users
Group group has become an oasis for increasing numbers of adults seeking to improve
their computer literacy, often from scratch. Even though every child is now expected to
learn these skills early on, many adults and seniors, are still entering the computer
environment, anxious and confused.Although they are
increasingly necessary, computers are very complex systems and can be most daunting. They
can be very difficult to learn, operate and maintain. In fact, it's important to
understand that no single person can possibly know everything about computers. There are
hardware specialists, software specialists, applications specialists, programmers,
software engineers, system architects, and networking specialists -- just to name a few of
the many specialization categories in the personal computer environment.
Enter a typical "Barnes & Nobel" bookstore and look
for the "Computer" section. You'll find that the assortment of books written to
aid in the learning of computer related subjects consumes upward of 500 linear feet of
bookshelf space., a tenth of a mile in length. A profound resource for the vast technology
resident in today's personal computer.
In brief, WPCUG's mission is to raise the level of computer literacy
in our community. Critical, is the concept that we learn best when we're among others
committed to learning the same subject. Members help one another. The sharing of knowledge
and insights creates a synergy, reinforcing, and accelerating the learning process. |
By Laws - Article I - Name
The name of the organization shall be the Westchester Personal Computer Users Group, Inc,
publicly known as the
Westchester PC Users Group, and hereafter referred to as "WPCUG."
Article II - Objectives
A. To provide educational programs through the presentation of demonstrations, tutorials,
seminars, workshops
and other programs related to computers and computer technology.
B. To prepare and issue educational materials, newsletters and instructional information
pertaining to computer
hardware, software, and matters of general interest to persons interested in computers and
C. To maintain a library of public domain and user supported computer software thereby
fostering the sharing and
distribution of such programming among our members.
Article III - Membership
A. Membership is open to all who share the objectives of the WPCUG and who have applied
for membership in
and have paid annual dues to, the WPCUG.
Article IV - Board of Directors
A. Board of Directors
1. The Board of Directors will consist of five elected officers: President, Vice
President, Corresponding
Secretary, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer, each serving for a term of one year, and
six elected directors,
each serving for a term of three years, and the chairpersons or heads of all standing
committees appointed by
the Board.
2. The Board shall direct the overall activities of the WPCUG under the terms of this
Constitution and By-Laws
and shall approve all expenditure of WPCUG funds.
3. All directors and officers must be members in good standing of the WPCUG from the time
of their nomination
for office, through their term of office or directorship.
B. Election of Officers and Directors
1. The Board of Directors of WPCUG shall appoint, in January of each year, a Nominating
Committee to
select a slate of prospective officers and directors for presentation to the membership.
2. Elections will take place at an annual meeting of the WPCUG membership, to take place
concurrently with
the March general meeting of the WPCUG. Separate elections shall be held for each office
and directorship.
Election may be by acclamation, however when an office or directorship is by contest,
election shall be by
3. Any member who is in good standing is entitled to one vote for each office or
directorship by either
acclamation or ballot. Voting by proxy is not permitted.
C. Duties of Officers
1. The President shall convene and preside at all meetings of the WPCUG membership and its
directors, and
shall perform such other duties as the office may require. The President shall hold one
vote to be cast along
with those of the other officers and directors of the WPCUG.
2. The Vice President shall carry out the duties of the President in his/her absence.
3. The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct all correspondence of the WPCUG and have
custody of all
records and documents of the WPCUG except those required to be kept by the Treasurer.
4. The Recording Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the WPCUG membership and
its directors
and shall perform such other duties as the office may require. In the absence of the
Recording Secretary from
a meeting, the President shall appoint another person to act in place of the Recording
5.The Treasurer shall keep the WPCUG financial records and be solely responsible for the
care and custody of
its monies. The Treasurer shall maintain an inventory of the WPCUG's property and shall
render statements of
the WPCUG's financial situation and assets at each meeting of the Board of Directors. The
Treasurer will
comply with all laws of the State of New York and the Federal Government and make such
compliance known
to the Board.
Article V - Meetings
A. General meetings of the WPCUG shall be held at the time and place as announced by the
Board of Directors,
but at least once a year for an annual meeting.
B. The Board of Directors shall meet monthly. A quorum, which shall consist of sixty
percent of the Board of
Directors, must be present for voting to take place.
Article VI - Amendments
A. These Constitution and By-Laws can be amended at any regular meeting of the WPCUG, by a
two-thirds vote,
provided the amendment was submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting. No
amendment to this
Constitution or By-Laws shall be permitted, without at least equal notice and a two-thirds
By-Laws of the Westchester PC Users Group
Article I - Procedures
A. In these By-Laws, unless the context otherwise requires, words using the singular
include the plural and vice
versa. Words using a male person include a female person and a corporation
B. The rules of parliamentary procedures contained in Robert's Rules of Order shall govern
the Westchester PC
Users Group in all cases where they are applicable, and in which they are consistent with
the By-Laws of the
Article II - Membership
A. Any member may resign his membership in the WPCUG by delivering his resignation in
writing to the Board
of Directors through its mailing address or in person.
B. All members are in good standing except those who have failed to pay current dues or
any other subscription
or debt due and owing by him to the WPCUG.
C. Dues will be determined by the Board of Directors and shall be effective for a calendar
Article III - Board of Directors and Officers
A. Board of Directors
1. The Board may appoint additional directors as it deems necessary to carry out the goals
of the organization.
Temporary appointees shall serve at the Board's discretion, but no such appointment shall
survive the annual
election of officers and directors.
2. An officer or director who resigns his office or otherwise ceases to hold office or
directorship shall be
replaced by the appointment of the Board. Any director accepting appointment or election
to office shall vacate
his seat as director. Any officer accepting appointment to director shall vacate his
3. No director shall be remunerated for being or acting as a director or officer, but a
director or appointee of
the Board shall be reimbursed for all expenses necessarily and reasonably incurred by him
while engaged in
the affairs of the WPCUG.
B. Election of Officers and Directors
1. The Nominating Committee shall be composed of three members in good standing who may
not currently
hold any office eligible for re-election, nor may they place any of their number into
nomination for office or
2. For each office or directorship to be elected, the Nominating Committee will present to
the membership, a
slate of at least one nominee. Any member not nominated who wishes to place his name into
nomination must
present to the Chair of the Nominating Committee, on a date prior to the election, a
petition containing the
signatures of fifteen percent of the WPCUG membership. All members signing the petition
must have been
members in good standing at the time of publication of nominees by the Nominating
3. Eligible for election each year will be the five officers, the two directorships whose
terms expire, and the
seat of any director who resigns or is removed from his office during the calendar year
of, but prior to, the
election Any director elected to fill a vacancy shall serve only the remainder of the
scheduled term.
4. Elected directors shall serve terms of three years, the terms of two directors expiring
in each year. All
directors who currently hold a seat on the Board or whose terms have expired are eligible
for election as
officers, however if they have served two or more years as director they will not again be
eligible for election
as director until the calendar year following the expiration of their term as director.
5. All officers who have remained members in good standing shall be eligible for
6. Any director who has been elected to serve as a WPCUG officer during the term of his
directorship shall
relinquish his directorship and the Board will appoint a successor to serve the remainder
of his term as
7. Should any election of any office or directorship be by contest, one ballot shall be
distributed to each
member at least ten days prior to the annual meeting of the WPCUG. To be valid, ballots
must either be cast
at the annual meeting, or they must be presented to the Board before the annual meeting is
8. Upon adoption of these By-Laws by the current Board of Directors, a Nominating
Committee shall be
chosen to select a slate consisting of five officers and six directors, two of whom shall
serve a term of one
year and two of whom shall serve a term of two years. The Nominating Committee will make
nominations for each of the one, two, and three year chairs. Elections will be held at the
first general meeting
which follows the adoption of these By-Laws and which allows adequate notice to be
presented to the
Article IV - Meetings
A. General meetings are open to all WPCUG members, their guests, and the public.
B. Proceedings at general meetings shall be determined by the Board of Directors
C. A notice of annual meetings shall be mailed to each member, and must specify the place,
day, and hour of the
D. At a general meeting, a quorum for the purpose of conducting club business will consist
of 10% of all
members in good standing.
Article V - General Provisions
A. This Constitution and By-Laws will become effective after they have been published in
the WPCUG newsletter
and voted upon at the general meeting which immediately follows publication. A majority
vote of the members
present is required for acceptance.
B. The WPCUG does not condone the exchanging or sale of commercially distributed programs
other than those
distributed as "shareware." Members are entreated to neither offer nor accept
copies of software or manuals
except where such transfer meets the explicitly authorized conditions as set by the author
or publisher of such
C. A fiscal audit will be conducted annually, the auditor to be selected by the Board, but
who shall not be a
member of the Board.
D. The fiscal year for financial accounting purposes will be from January 1st to December
E. In the event of the dissolution of the WPCUG, all assets remaining after the payment of
proper liabilities shall
be distributed to another organization exempt from Federal tax under Section 501(c)(3) of
the Internal Revenue
Code or other appropriate provision in accordance with pertinent Federal and state laws.
"A quorum, which shall consist of forty percent of the Board of Directors, must be
present for voting to take place.
Two thirds of those present must approve expenditures of $500 or more. A simple majority
is sufficient to approve
all other motions."
Ratified by the General Membership on March 2, 1989.