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While the monthly General Meeting provides a forum for all of us to get together, the topic of the meeting changes every month. To answer the need of ongoing interests in different computer specialties, user groups have Workshops . Each meets at least once a month, and provides an ongoing, classroom setting for people to meet and share in their particular interests. With a group our size, we are able to offer not only many different subjects, but some have stirred so much interest that we have split them into different degrees of experience.

Where is is appropriate to the material being presented, Workshops are presented in a classroom setting where each member works on his or her own PC and gets hands-on experience. On our calendar, those sessions are noted as being held at the New Horizons facility. In other Workshops, we provide a computer and projector so that the leader may display a live computer screen before the entire group. This format allows for much more information to be conveyed than in PC equipped sessions, indeed, the amount of information presented at each Workshop should allow for many benefits when they return to their own business/personal computers.

While each Workshop takes on the style and flavor of the Workshop leader and its participants, most follow these guidelines:

Beginner Level Workshops

These are most like the standard classroom/lecture format. All questions, including those of the most basic nature, are welcome here. The sessions are run in much like the classic teacher/student basis (but no pop-quizzes or exams!)

Intermediate Level Workshops

Though still with much of the material covered will be in the teacher/student format, members are encouraged to participate, or even occasionally lead their own sessions.

Advanced Level Workshops

These are full "round-table" format sessions, with the leader functioning as a moderator, rather than a lecturer. These sessions include our programming sessions, such as the Visual Basic .

The Workshop topics vary as the needs of our membership varies. Also, as our Workshop leaders are volunteers, we can offer only those Workshops for which we can find a leader! We have been fortunate to have attracted an outstanding group of talented leaders.


For Workshop schedules see the calendar


Lyle Margolis   (212-426-5154)

The Database Workshop focuses on how to use Microsoft Access to create database applications for your personal and business use. We begin each session with instruction on a particular topic relating to designing databases in Access, and end with individual questions and problems. This month we will continue where we left off last month. Please contact Lyle for agenda.

Beginner Graphics

Rolly Herman  (914-946-4134)
rollyh@aol.com / website http://members.aol.com/rollyh/index.htm

The Workshop is a series of classes covering the basics of clipart and graphics in their varied formats. In this Workshop, we learn how to re-size, crop, rotate, edit and convert images. We work with Paint, Paintbrush, Paint Shop Pro, and Clipmate. Contact Rolly for agenda.


Jonathan Hauff   (914-834-0587)

Printers, scanners, modems, the physical "boxes" that take up our desk space: what to buy, what to use, and when to use them and how they all work together (or should!). Please contact Jonathan for agenda.

Internet, Beginners

Jonathan Hauff (914-834-0587)

Introductory sessions in all aspects of the Internet: e-mail, browsers, websites, the World Wide Web, downloading of files (FTP) is all covered. Please contact Jonathan for agenda. This Workshop will be held at the New Horizons Center.

Introduction to PC’s

Mark Lindemann (914-769-2354)

This is an introductory, classroom setting for true beginners. There are two sessions each month, held on separate evenings. Some basic terms, concepts, and mechanisms of personal computers are explained, such as folders (subdirectories) and file names. There is a Q & A each session. The sessions are based on the level of those attending. Contact Mark if you have questions.

$$$ Investment $$$

Guido Pantaleoni (914-793-5694)

Albert Schott (914-472-4015)

Workshop sessions use computer programs to study stocks and the stock market. Both technical and fundamental methods of analysis are used. Now that so much information about the market is available on the Internet, we will cover more of how to use this resource. We believe that greater reliance on and analysis of factual information gathered through the use of the computer and less reliance on news media information has to make for more successful investing. Contact Guido or Albert with any new ideas.


Jonathan Hauff (914-834-0587)

A Workshop for the experienced beginner. Will be determined by interests of those who attended last meeting. Contact Jonathan for the agenda.

Tax Preparation Software

Victor Gedris (914-769-5342)

More and more computer users are using tax preparation software to prepare their taxes. This Workshop introduces participants to personal income tax software. Learn how to use tax software yourself, save money, and maybe even get a tip or two from Vic, who is enrolled to practice before the Internal Revenue Service. Please contact Vic for new agenda.

Utilities & Troubleshooting

Richard Nayman (914-739-0872)

We communicate weekly by e-mail to attendees who provide their e-mail address, and send out interesting sites for information or downloading, along with the upcoming agenda. Meetings start with a Q & A session, and then get into a Utility demonstration. At times we even troubleshoot someone's computer at the meeting. Sick computers are always welcome. (By appointment only.)

Visual Basic

Mike Lee (914-376-3894)

This is the Workshop for those who want to learn the coolest programming tool of now and the future. Please contact Mike for agenda.

Website Development

David Newman (914-693-6650)

David's Workshop is a unique experience. Experienced and novice Web Developers are welcome. Contact David for agenda.

Website Creation

Rolly Herman (914-946-4134)

Learn how to make a website home page without learning HTML. We will use Netscape and AOL Press as web page editors. They are free and very easy to learn and use. A web page can be made in an hour or less. Contact Rolly for more details.

Windows 95/98, Beginner

Ronald Josephs (914-476-7077)

Just upgraded to Windows 95/98 or bought your first computer? This workshop is for you. Ron will conduct lesson #2 out of 6 lessons. Jonathan Hauff will conduct lesson #6 out of 6. Lesson #6 will be held at the New Horizons Center.

Windows, Advanced

Herb Chong ( 914-736-3352 )

Q&A format for the established computer individual. Take advantage of Herbs vast computer knowledge. You can pick his mind as much as you want. Anything and everything goes and you'll even find other experts in attendance seeking to learn something new.

Word for Windows

Roland Herman (914-946-4134)
rollyh@aol.com   / website http://members.aol.com/rollyh/index.htm

Learn how to get the most out of the worlds most popular word processing program. Enjoy Rolly's entertaining Workshop format. Q & A session is first so be ready to have any of your Word problems addressed. Contact Rolly for agenda.

Spreadsheet Workshop

Steven Nadel (718-409-4527)

There are two separate Workshops. One for the real beginner, and another for more advanced levels. Beginners will be in a series of three classes. Both will be held at the New Horizons Center.

File Management for Windows

Rolly Herman (914-946-4134)

This Workshop will run in groups of three sessions each. We will learn what filing systems are, and how to create ones to fit our own particular needs. We will learn the differences between the Windows 3.x and the Windows 95/98 systems. We will learn about directories and subdirectories, folders and subfolders. We will try to learn how to adapt our computers’ filing systems to our needs. Contact Fred for any advice or ideas. Workshop will be at New Horizons Center.

Hands - On

Jonathan Hauff (914-834-0587)

This Workshop will take advantage of the computer labs, with a computer at each desk, at the New Horizons Center. Each attendee will have a chance to learn hands on computer skills based on the agenda determined by our experience from prior meetings. We would appreciate feedback and ideas from all club members and Workshop leaders, so we can get the most out of this opportunity.

AutoCad LT

Eleanor Hoffman (914-235-8670)

The objective of the AutoCAD LT Workshop is to introduce participants to the program. The intentions are 1) to provide a working knowledge of the
concepts of computer-assisted design and drafting, 2) to allow the members of the group to become familiar with the commands used in the program, and 3) to demonstrate how to produce drawing plans. This Workshop will be conducted like a course, since it is expected that the
program will be new for most of the attendees. As such, it will start out at the introductory level. The format will use lecture, demonstration, and discussion. Questions from the participants will be encouraged. Please contact Eleanor with any ideas or questions.

Ken Fried (914-528-2433)

Learn how to bring out the best in MS-Office using Visual Basic for Applications programming. Classes will focus on Word and Excel applications, and will meet at New Horizons. Experienced Office 97 and 2000 users will gain the most from this intermediate workshop. Please contact Ken for more information.

updated 09/05/00